False Facades (Best Sellers: Best Romance/Humor ) Read online

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  Jack rolled his eyes again, "You're impossible."

  "What? That flush on his face is too adorable."

  "Shut up," Vincent declared. For some reason, hearing Will say Sam was cute didn't quite settle right with him. It wasn't like it was anything new though - Will tend to be attracted to anything on two legs. But … still.

  "You okay?" Jack asked him.

  Vincent frowned and nodded. "Why?"

  "It's just that you suddenly scowled."

  "I was just thinking."

  "About what?"


  "What stuff?"

  "Just stuff," Vincent snapped, exasperated. "Care to stop bugging me?"

  "Jeez . . ." Jack coughed. "PMS."

  There was a moment of silence and then a different voice spoke up.

  "Man, I think I'm in love. Look! Your roommate's playing with his hair. Aw, cutie. Yes, you may introduce me to him after class."



  "I'm going to introduce you to my fist soon."

  "Nah, it's not my type."

  "Then how about my foot?"

  * * *

  Tristan twirled his pen between his fingers. A frown flickered across his face. Something about Sam Westlane was bothering him. Something didn't feel exactly … right. He stared hard at the red haired boy, trying to discern what exactly was drawing his attention to him. Fingers tapping thoughtfully against his chin, he leaned back in his chair. His eyes roamed across the room and he caught sight of Vincent. Oddly, the boy was staring at the new kid too. Is Sam on his side or against? He shrugged. Whatever. If Grenford is planning to recruit him . . . I'll do it first. If not, well, Sam will just be a huge sore eye then . . .

  * * *

  The bell rang and Sam immediately shot up from her seat. She grabbed all her books and nearly sprinted out the door. Tristan walked calmly after her and just as she was about to hurl herself around a corner, he closed in on her and grabbed her backpack from behind. She nearly toppled backward before she found out she was anchored to her spot. She turned around wearily and raised an eyebrow at the boy. "Yes?"

  "I'm Tristan," He smiled easily.

  She gnawed at her bottom lip and clutched her books tighter. "I'm Sam."

  There was a moment of silence. Sam nodded slightly and turned to leave. Tristan caught hold of her bag again and she was reeled back again to his side. She stared quizzically up at him, "Yes?"

  "Hi again," he remarked.

  She blinked. "Hi."

  "You're one of us now."

  Apprehension fell over her face as she shifted uneasily, "What? Of – of course I'm one of you. What did you think I was? Of course I'm a normal teenage boy studying here like, uh, a normal teenage boy . . . I – I also like sports, girls, cars . . . yeah. You know. A normal guy liking normal guy stuff."

  Amused, Tristan smiled indulgently, "Yeah. I can see that. What I meant was –"

  "Back off, Harland." A growl rifted the air, interrupting them.

  Sam was suddenly plucked up into the air like a potato sack. Twisting her head, she looked up at her roommate's features, pulled taut by a fierce scowl. He didn't address her, merely casting his eyes down at her in a cursory overview before focusing his attention on Tristan. Releasing his hold on her collar, Vincent set her down next to him and took a step forward in front of her. Her face burned in embarrassment; she must have looked like a mangy stray being carted off by the scruff of its neck. "Um –"

  Tristan's blue eyes turned cold. "I believe it's Westlane's choice, Grenford."

  Vincent folded his arms, his broad shoulders like a wall in front of Sam. "You're too late. He's my roommate. Naturally, he belongs with us."

  Sam's eyes darted back and forth between the two. She had the uncanny feeling of watching two dogs fighting over their territory.

  The kid who shoved her this morning popped up all of a sudden besides Tristan and sneered, "Oh, jerk off, Grenford."

  The boy who sent her off on the morning run stepped up next to her roommate with a mocking smile. "Oh yeah, I'm sure you're familiar with jerking off, Marvin."

  An arm slung around her shoulders and she turned her face bewilderedly up to stare into another boy with longish dark hair and twinkling hazel eyes. He winked at her and whispered, "Why don't we go to someplace quiet and let them battle it out?"

  All she could do was nod dumbly and let the boy lead her away.

  * * *

  Will grinned to himself as he led the new kid to a shaded area underneath the trees just outside of the cafeteria doors, bypassing the benches. Several picnic tables lined the area and there was a small fountain featuring a cherub sprouting water in the center of it all.

  "Um . . . shouldn't we be in class?" Sam mumbled, fumbling with the hem of her sleeves. They were too long on her and she constantly had to roll them up over her wrists.

  "It's break time now," Will reminded her, dropping down in the grass to sit with his legs crossed.

  "Oh . . . right," Sam shifted uneasily and sat down stiffly in the grass.

  Will slid closer and smiled brightly, "Well, how do you like our school so far?"

  Sam shrugged. "It's okay."

  "The campus?"

  "It's okay."

  "The people?"

  "Um . . . they're okay."


  "Uh . . . you're okay, too."

  Will laughed. "Do you have any other opinion besides it's okay?"

  Sam frowned and shrugged, leaning forward to hug her legs. "I really don't understand what that fight was about."

  "Fight? Oh, that wasn't a fight. You'll know when it's a fight. That was just normal bantering." Will unfolded his legs and sat back, watching the dappled light through the leaves.

  "Oh." Sam prayed she'd never have to witness a true fight.

  "So which side do you prefer?"


  "Vincent or Tristan?" Will prompted.

  There was a moment of silence. "Who's Vincent?"

  Will stared at her in astonishment. "You don't know the name of your own roommate?"

  "Well . . . we weren't really properly introduced," she said defensively.

  He smiled. "I'm on Vince's side because that Marvin kid really bugs me. Jack is on our side, too."

  "Jack?" she said blankly.

  "The one who pointed you to the wrong direction."

  "Oh." Her eyes flashed liquid green for a second and she quieted down. "So I suppose Marvin is the short, skinny kid?"

  He nodded, resting his arms on top of his drawn up knees.

  "Then I'm not on either side."

  "Huh?" Will stared at her in surprise.

  "Both Jack and Marvin haven't been exactly welcoming to me and I don't think I want to hang out with anyone who looks down on me." She glanced away, plucking at the grass. "Therefore, I'll go solo." Her voice quieted to a low murmur. "It's not like I haven't been alone before."

  "What's that?"


  Will gave her one last doubtful look before laughing. "Okay . . . if that's what you want. Still, you can always come to me. I'll be more than happy to show you around." He winked devilishly at her and she blinked. She suddenly noticed that he had somehow moved very, very close to her.

  "That's . . . nice, but who are you?" she blurted out.

  He blinked and paused thoughtfully. "That's right. We haven't had a proper introduction either." He suddenly grinned lopsidedly and leaned close to her, draping an arm around her. "Hey, I'm William Carter. I'm eighteen years old and I'm a single white male. I like long walks on the beach, sunsets, and cotton candy, but most importantly, I like you. You're cute." His smile was brilliant.

  Her stomach turned and she tried to calm down. Panic overwhelmed her as her heartbeat raced. Trying to nonchalantly wipe her sweaty palms on her pants, she plastered on a smile. "Uh, you do know I'm Sam Westlane and I'm a GUY? Right? Right? A GUY?"

  He chuckled. "I heard you the first time. I'm also a GUY .
. . though how normal, I wouldn't know." He smiled flirtatiously. "I'd suggest spending some more time with me to figure that out though."

  Sam nearly bit through her lip. She was near hyperventilation. What's wrong with this guy? Is he hitting on me? But – but I thought my disguise was perfect. He couldn't possibly know I'm a girl. Or could he? Is he playing around with me? Does he know and – and – oh god, I'm going to be sick.

  "Hey? Hey? You okay?" Will stared at the pallid girl in concern. "The prospect of spending more time with me isn't that scary, is it?"

  "What – what do you want?" Sam whispered. Will frowned. The boy sounded petrified and ready to bolt for the neighboring woods.

  He sighed. "I'm sorry. I was just teasing you." He smiled ruefully. "If you must know, I'm bisexual. Armed with my awesome pick up lines, my dream is to win the hearts of everybody - asides from Marvin, Vince, Tristan, Jack – ahem, but yeah, apart from them, I'm pretty damn irresistible, right?"

  Relief immediately covered Sam's face and she laughed nervously. "Oh! You're bisexual! That's great!"

  William immediately reverted to his suggestive grin. "Oh? How so?"

  She coughed and covered her mouth, simultaneously edging away nervously. "I mean, that's cool. About how you're so open and – and – yeah – isn't class going to start now?" She made a show of looking at her wrist, except she had no watch on. Still, she nodded. "Wow! We have to run!"

  She shot up to her feet and dashed off. Will laughed and scrambled up to his feet, giving chase.

  * * *

  Tristan glowered darkly and Vincent returned the look. The two boys were still in each other's face, features taut and tensed. Tristan bit off, "You know what? Why don't we ask Sam for his opinion? He'll make the right one."

  Vincent nodded curtly and they both turned around. Everyone blinked at the empty space.

  Jack groaned, "Oh man, Will must have dragged him off."

  Marvin sniffed, "Great, another queer."

  Chapter Three

  Sam frowned as she glanced around. The hallway was dwindling down to a few students, doors slamming to a few classrooms, but she still didn't catch sight of any doors that seemed to lead to a gymnasium.

  "What's the matter?" Will asked, walking besides her with his backpack slung over one shoulder.

  "Where is the gym?"

  "Oh, third floor."

  "Then why are we on the second?"

  Will raised an eyebrow and stared at her strangely. "Well, we sort of need to go change first."

  "Change?" Sam squeaked, steps screeching to a halt.

  "Yes, change . . . as in change into our gym uniforms."

  "As in boys locker room changing?" Butterflies dropkicked her stomach.

  "Well, I would think so," Will laughed. "Jeez . . . did you just go to gym in your regular clothes in your old school?"

  No . . . but I sure didn't change in the boys locker room! "Uh … do we have to?" she asked weakly.

  "What's the matter? You got your uniform already. You're not shy, are you?" he joked.

  "Uh . . . no . . . of course not . . ." she replied feebly. How am I going to get out of this?

  "Here we are!" Will cheered and she looked up. "After you!" He opened the door with a flourish and all but shoved her in. She stumbled through the doors and Will came in after her, closing the door with an ominous bang. "Hey guys!" he called out.

  Jack pretended to cover himself. "No, Will! What have we told you before? Don't come in until we're all safely dressed! We can't have you go around taking advantage of us poor innocents!" Everyone laughed.

  Will grinned cheekily. "Yeah, well, I just can't help myself. You're too delectable to keep unspoiled, Jack dear."

  Jack gasped in mock disapproval. Vincent smiled in amusement over his friends' antics. Marvin snorted in disgust. Tristan showed no response and Sam was too busy trying to back into a corner with her eyes locked to the floor.

  "Sam! Where you going? Come! You can have the locker next to Vince," Will hauled her back despite her dragging feet.

  She stood there for a long time, staring hard at the ugly grey lockers. She tried to block out all the noises and the clamor. Don't look to your right, Sammy. Don't look to your left. Don't look anywhere. Keep your eyes -

  "What are you doing?" Vincent's voice cut through her mantra. He frowned at the motionless boy as he shrugged off his sweater.

  She started and began to turn around - then quickly changed direction and stayed put, squinting her eyes at the ground. "N – nothing."

  Will teased her, "What's the matter? Forgot how to take off your clothes? I'll be more than happy to do so for you."

  Sam shook her head furiously. Her face was turning red again. If this keeps up, my face is going to be permanently stamped crimson. "I – uh – is there a bathroom stall in here?"

  "Yeah, over there."

  "Where?" She refused to look up.



  Vincent sighed and pushed her gently toward the general direction. "Just walk straight," he ordered.

  "Thank you," Sam replied softly. Vincent stared after Sam, who stumbled off without lifting her eyes from the ground. A small smile tugged on his lips whenever she bumped into someone with a squeaked apology.

  Jack's brows knitted. "What's the matter with him?"

  Vincent shrugged as he slipped on a T-shirt. "Maybe he just has a phobia around people changing."

  * * *

  Sam sighed in relief. She'd finally made it out of the locker room. After changing in the stall, she'd waited patiently until everyone else evacuated. Trudging up the stairs, she walked into the gym and immediately wanted to fade away. Oh dear. I'm going to have gym with thirty huge, strong teenage boys who all look like they can snap me in half like a twig.

  The gym teacher, a tiny balding man named Mr. Harth, blew his whistle and everyone turned silent. "We are going to have a little fun today. Basketball!" Everyone cheered and Sam wilted. I can hardly dribble, let alone play. Maybe I can fake a stomachache? Cramps still work?

  "Sam! You're on our team!" William cried out cheerfully.

  "Huh?" Before she could protest, he had dragged her off. She stood there, nerves building up in her while she bit her nails to the quick, as William whispered, "It's same as always. Vince against Tristan. Watch out for two guys on Tristan's team: Marco and Polo - they're twins - double the ugliness and stupidity, just as nasty as Marvin, too. We have a notion that their mother took one look at them and named them like idiots to warn the world."

  Her stomach churned as she tilted her head back to take in two huge giants who sneered across the room at her. Oh lord . . . oh lord . . . oh lord . . . She breathed in deeply and swallowed hard. No reason to panic . . . I mean, our team is just as big. I probably won't get trampled much . . . no, just have confidence . . . you can just run around . . . yes . . .An image of her darting pounding feet like a cockroach suddenly came to mind and she felt faint.

  Tristan and Vincent stepped forward to the center. The teacher blew the whistle again and the game began. Vincent leapt into the air and knocked the ball to their side. She moaned softly and ran around, trying to look unimportant. Vincent shot past her and grabbed the ball Jack hurled through the air. Tristan flew across the court and blocked the dark haired boy. William caught the ball and dodged the rampaging twins, only to lose the ball to Marvin. Marvin dribbled triumphantly before finding himself with thin air after Jack flew by. Another boy on Tristan's team waved his arms frantically in an attempt to block Jack, but was expertly brushed past.

  Sam chewed her lip anxiously, trying to run in the other direction away from the ball. As it turned out, that was a major mistake. The sudden motion caught Jack's eye. Seeing as no one bothered to cover her since she was so puny and everyone else was too busy, Jack decided she was the best choice to throw the ball to. She shook her head desperately. No! I wasn't called butterfingers for nothing! When he paid no heed, she reached up wearily in a weak attempt an
d to her astonishment, the ball landed in her hands cleanly.

  Wow . . . I love this ball. She suddenly refocused and panicked as she saw Tristan's team pounding toward her. She spun around in alarm and tossed the ball toward the hoop - and to her astonished delight, it hit the backboard, but sailed through the hoop nicely. That is a really, really good ball.

  Tristan and Vincent blinked when they saw who had made the first shot. They both smiled in amusement when they saw the bewildered joy on the Sam's face until they nearly ran into each other. Vincent shoved Tristan away and they shot each other lethal glares.

  Marco and Polo weren't as pleased. Marvin gave them a slight imperceptible nod and they grinned darkly. Shouting to each other gleefully across the court, they ran toward the new kid.

  Sam turned around and stared numbly at the two running brutes. Oh, I'm going to die. They crashed into her and sent her nearly flying through the air. With a leaden thud, she wound up sprawled on the ground in a haze of pain.

  Jack yelled angrily, "What the hell! Foul! That was a foul!"

  William knelt beside her and asked, concerned. "Are you okay, Sammy?"

  She groaned and croaked, "Huh?"

  Vincent snapped darkly, "Harland, get better control of your team."

  Tristan came in close, staring down at the prone girl on the floor. "I don't need you to tell me that, Grenford," he retorted, jaw clenched.

  Mr. Harth fluttered anxiously over them. "Is he all right? Oh dear! I hope he didn't break anything. I'll have a lot of accident reports to fill out."

  Jack continued yelling, "FOUL! FOUL!"

  Marvin snapped, "It wasn't a foul! They just didn't see him since he's so small and everything. Right, Marco? Polo?"

  "Yeah. Right," they muttered.

  Mr. Harth continued to blabber on. "Boys, boys, I just want to know if he's going to be okay."

  Will asked again, "Are you okay, Sammy?"

  "Sammy? My brother calls me Sammy," she mumbled dazedly as she struggled to sit up straight. A spasm of pain shot through her and she clutched her stomach, sucking in a quick indrawn of breath.